

Summer is practically over. Okay, not practically, summer is over. Everyone's back to school, sweaters are making a reappearance, and the number of fresh veggies harvested from our garden is rapidly diminishing.

As a way to use up the basil that is still going strong despite its garden companions' vanishing, I made pesto. It's ridiculously easy to make. You just throw everything in a food processor and blend until combined.

We've been enjoying our pesto tossed in pasta, but there are a multitude of other ways to use it.  Spread it in a sandwich, mix it with olive oil to drizzle over salads, pair it with grilled chicken, etc, etc.

makes approximately 2 cups
adapted from Allrecipes.com


3 cups packed fresh basil leaves
2-3 cloves garlic
three-quarters cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup olive oil
quarter-cup pine nuts
1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped (I didn't use)

1. Combine basil, garlic, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, and pine nuts in bowl of food processor. Blend to smooth paste. Add parsley, if using.

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